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segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2012

Chapter 6- Place of schools in society

This chapter talks about schools in society and its influence inside of school. Develop of citizenship, students preparation get jobs, development of academic and social skills are some of the roles of schools. Also, in the school are different cultures that determines the way to behavior and to think, as well it is a support student learning.  In addition, parents have chance to choose where their children would study. They can choose between public and private school at public expense. Schools locations can be rural, suburban or urban areas, but suburban areas is growing. In conclusion, academic achievement is at the center of effective schools independently of their race, native language, or disability. Schools in society has been center of studies and understanding culture and values.

domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2012

Chapter 5- Building an educational philosophy in a changing world

To build on the educational philosophies of others is one strategy that can help to develop one's own personal philosophy. In this chapter it is described six educational philosophies: Essentialism that focus on to transmit the cultural heritage and develop good citizens. Behaviriosm focus on carefully developed behavioral objectives and contends empirical evidence. Positivism rejects essences, intuition, and beliefs about mind, spirit, and consciousness. Progressivism emphasizes ideas that should be experimented  and that learning is rooted in questions developed by students. Humanism believes innate goodness of the person and schools should emphasize the relationship between teacher and students.  Constructivim emphasizes developing personal meaning through hands-on, activity-based teaching and learning. In conclusion, daily one must consider the effect in a philosophy of education for acting responsibly in society.

Education article

Education- An appointment from Sao Paulo.

An educational programa In Sao Paulo, Brazil, has the goal of enhancement of teaching career, such as improve the Education of São Paulo, according to PISA. Besides all universalization of primary education, struggle against tax evasion, the expansion to supply of high school,  creates a new curricula. Well as development support materials for teachers and students. However, the society is in movement to help this program, mainly students's families.


Chapter 4- Philosophy: Reflections on the essence of education

Philosophical perspectives offer a way to study and understand the world. Structure and methodology of philosophy are the way to define, presupposes ideas and question about human nature and search answers for life. Metaphysics, Epistemology, Axiology are branches of Philosophy. Also, Abstraction, Imagination and Generalization and Logic are analytic ways of thinking in Philosophy. Discernment, Connection, Tracking Hypocrisy and hope are prophetic ways of thinking in philosophy. In conclusion, Eastern and Native North American knowing share an primary sensitive nature and emphasizes wisdom. 

Chapter 3- Historical perspectives of education

In this chapter we can read about the amount of students and how it is increasing. So, the school has to be bigger to support those students. Also, there is an expansion of educational curricula to attend various kinds of students at all levels. Such as, programs to students with special needs. The teaching profession has developed and improved educational systems, and also has changed goals of education. Furthermore, we can see that preparation for be a teacher has evolved. And also, many current trends have been included in act educational. As study of the teaching act, teacher effectiveness research, sociological studies, the development of new learning theories, and other research hard work designed to help better comprehend and improve student education. In conclusion, analyze all the history show us that Education has been improve and everybody can do better to improve more and more. However, some current challenge has its origin in the educational history.  

Chapter 2- The early History of education in a chaging world

In 476 CE the act of educate has been provided for children over the ages by aboriginal people. Then, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle who are Greek philosophers produced some methods to teach. Each one has their particular beliefs. In the middle ages the education had the dark ages (400-1000) when human learning regressed for variety political and religious conditions. But, Charlemagne and Alcuin had a great importance in that period, influencing religious education and arts.  Such as, Thomas Aquinas and Medieval universities helped to change this period, with new educational and philosophical views and increase in educational activity. Then, Renaissance when Vittorino da Feltre was an important and influential educator who established several schools. Also, Erasmos was the most famous humanist educator. In addition, the Reformation was another important movement in the period between 1300-1700 when Education in transition. Time when Martin Luther who was against Roman Catholic Church, Ignatius of Loyola who organized the Society of Jesus, Comenius who reflected the increasing interest that was then evolving in science. Another important period was Educational awakening when Descartes, Voltaire, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Herbart and Froebel contributed to educational advancement in various ways. In conclusion, we can understand many aspects looking at history and realize that viewpoints on education have varied through the ages.

Education article

Some Tutors Are Shouldering a Wider Load

The purpose of tutoring program is changing its conception in practice. Because tutors are shouldering a role that is not their. Students need a tutoring program to help them to  study better and aid in their subjects in school. But, tutors are acting as therapist and a personal assistant. Parents have paid for tutoring, and "according to Ms. Ayaz, tutoring is a $50 billion to $70 billion industry, with anywhere from 30 million to 50 million tutors worldwide." In conclusion, tutoring has grown in big scale. Because students need not only help with their homeworks, but they need a life support, what is not the role from a tutor.
