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terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2012

The Filand Phenomenon

The video shows that it is possible do more and more for Education, that is it that happen in Finland. Teaching is going too serious and  to be a teacher is not going well, but do your work the best that it can. The main reason for succesful is teacher education. Research teaching education is the focus to improve your knowledge and be updated, because everyday are invented new sources to improve the teaching. Also, to learn, to think pedagogically and be reflected, such as encouraging are the difference to give the best for Education. 
They work together of the teachers is very important to improve teaching, and that is it that they do. Discussing the better ways to hold concentration and attention from students. Teachers say that the most important to teaching is not transmite knowledge, but to give a chicange for students share experiences, explore more their leraning, create a new information and knowledge. Teachers understand that the important is do the best, is not the money. They see the priority and make changes.
The resources that they have are the diferencial in the students's life, because studying is not only a few hours in the classroom, but beyond the classes. Computers, eletronics, workshops and textbooks help students to learn better. However, teachers support students also in their vocation to be better in the future. Teachers are presents and they have a different way to encourage students to study. Such as tutoring programs, doing projects and participing of the small group of discussion. So, those sources give to students support to continue their studies. This way students learn that theyr have to be social too for the life.
The data says that the hours that teachers spend in classroom are lesser than American teachers, such as the money that they spend with each student. Otherwise, it not works very well, or even that do not work.
Furthermore, teachers work together to do the best for children with special needs, that is a type of work that we cannot see in all schools around the world.
Schools there offer free food for students, all kind of meals during the day. I could see that the fodd is healthy and the place is clean.
In conclusion, the work in coperation works better than any other way to teaching and make the best for Education in general. Schools should do many things that the schools in Filand do it now, but adepting to own culture of every country. A teacher says "It is much more important than to learn and think to learn and repeat...", that it is the essential to really learn and practice your learning and develop more and more, such as add a new knowledge to the other.

quinta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2012

Education article

In San Diego a child who have Down syndrome was winner 

Crawford’s homecoming game. It is interesting how these 

children are adorable and can be able do develop their 



Education article

Brazilian Sign Language is increasing more and more. The children in the school are learning each other. The teacher is even more, learning about the sign language to speak with their students. The interpreter in the class is not a teacher, his role is just transmit what is the subject that the teacher is speaking. The Portuguese teaching like a second language in Brazil, has many problemas that the researchers are trying to change and make the best for deaf children inside of schools.Many search show how the children should be literate and there are many resources to do really works.
"And how is the acquisition of written language by deaf children?
Maria Cristina: Deaf hypothesize writing, as well as the listeners. The first cases are very similar. Children begin to write listeners using the letters of the name. The deaf, too. Except that the chances of deaf people are visual and not auditory. And here is a serious problem for us, researchers, to convince linguists and educators do not fall into the trap of oralization. The deaf children, as well as the listeners will get to alphabetic writing, but his relationship with writing will be through the vision. The process takes much longer than with listeners because they are coming into contact with the Portuguese language first." 

Education article

We can see how much is difficult parents are involved in their children's Education. There are many reasons for this, and one of them is the less time to pay attention in their kids. "A divorce can shatter the life of a kid, but this is not a rule." Another relationship between applicant is "unstructured" and the little family involvement in school issues. Nowadays the structure of family have changed. It is not like people think, like father, child and mother. We can see grandparents taking care of the children. Also, I new structure of family, like gays. According to  Clarice Ehlers Peixoto, anthropologist Study Group on Contemporary Family at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Uerj). "Love is the regulator of the unions, which may have different names: cohabitation, gay marriage, single parent family (mother and child, father and sons, and recently, grandparents and grandchildren)," he explains.